pastor brandt gillespie

Sermón 2 de agosto 2015: El arte de seguir


El mensaje que Dios me dió es el arte de seguir. Hay tanto énfasis hoy en día en el liderazgo, ese énfasis a veces tiene a minimizar en nuestras mentes y nuestros corazones la importancia que tiene seguir a un líder.

Yo crecí en una generación que se llama los "baby boomers" después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, los que nacieron entre el '46 y el '64, ¿cuántos aquí han escuchado el término "baby boomers"? Básicamente son los que nacieron entre la Segunda Guerra Mundial y Vietnam. Un sociólogo escritor analizó esa generación y le puso el nombre: la generación del "mí". Otro escritor también comentaba sobre la ética o la mentalidad del narcisismo en esa generación.

Se reconoció que en esa generación había una obsesión de autorealizarse, cumplir con el "yo", "actualizar el yo" (desarrollarse uno mismo), sentir el "yo" realizado y todo giraba alrededor del "yo". Y ahora en esta generación lo llaman algo muy parecido, la generación del "yo". Sólo tienes que mirar los nombres de la tecnología, iPhone, Ipad, iTouch, "i", "i", "i".

Los sociólogos han observado otras generaciones después de los "baby boomers", generación X, generación Y, ellos analizan cada década y cuáles son los atributos de la generación de esas décadas, pero lo que queremos observar es que ha sido un proceso de cada día más generación más y más auto-absorbidos, más ensimismados, enfocados más y más en el "yo".

Se ha llamado a la generación que peleó en la Segunda Guerra Mundial la mejor generación, se la llama así porque esa generación estaba dispuesta a sacrificar sus vidas por la libertad de su país y de los demás. No quisiéramos ser engañados, cualquier generación tiene sus pecados y sus problemas ¿no? Pero lo que yo sí quisiera enfatizar es que en mi vida y en nuestras vidas vivimos en un tiempo en el que el énfasis es en el "yo", auto-absorbido.

Eso puede ser difícil porque cuando uno vive dentro de una cultura es difícil alejarse de la sociedad y la cultura para poder observar los atributos ¿no? Pero los efectos de esa actitud y mentalidad del "yo", "yo", "yo" son evidentes y se pueden observar.

Yo creo que la Iglesia de Jesucristo fue establecida y puesta para ser lo más poderoso del mundo, ese es nuestro ADN, esa es la naturaleza que Dios ha sembrado en nosotros. Pero ¿por qué si nosotros tenemos como nuestra identidad esa grandeza espiritual, ese poder espiritual, por qué es que en este país la Iglesia de Jesucristo tiene menos efecto sobre la cultura y la sociedad?

Lo que yo quisiera proponer es que la Iglesia americana ha sido influenciada por la sociedad con un énfasis en el "yo" y así ha perdido su poder, ha sido "agüada" en cierta manera para que así no tenga el impacto que se supone que tenga. Yo creo que en parte, Dios ha traído inmigrantes cristianos de otros países del mundo para venir aquí a los Estados unidos y traer con ellos su vitalidad espiritual, su compromiso, su ética de sacrificio y entrega para tener una influencia que la Iglesia anglosajona o norteamericana no puede tener, para ser una influencia de revitalización.

De una manera discreta quisiera compartir una conversación que tuve con un Pastor hace poco. Esto fue lejos de aquí y él estaba plantando una Iglesia, y le hice la pregunta: bueno ¿cómo se hace, cómo estás plantando la Iglesia, cuál es tu método? y él dijo: tenemos un grupo de mujeres que su especialidad es saborear los vinos, esa Iglesia se está creciendo rápido (ríe), y se juntan y prueban los diferentes vinos ¿no? y él piensa, qué mejor manera de alcanzar a la gente? vino gratis.

Yo creo que Dios puede obrar en maneras que son diferentes y si Dios lo llama bueno, yo no voy a juzgar, pero ya me tenía interesado ¿no? ¿qué otras cosas haces para alcanzar a la gente de tu comunidad? y él dice: hacemos las mejores fiestas. ¿Saben? Yo creo, en mi opinión que la Iglesia americana ha perdido tanto las raíces de cómo las iglesias deben crecer que están dispuestas a crear cosas medio locas que ni tienen sentido. Tengo otras historias si quieren escucharlas en otro momento. Pero lo que yo quisiera decir es que Dios quiere que lo sigamos a Su manera y en Su orden.

Este texto de Filipenses 2 habla de la mentalidad de Jesús como ejemplo a imitar: "Haya, pues, en vosotros este sentir que hubo también en Cristo Jesús, el cual, siendo en forma de Dios, no estimó el ser igual a Dios como cosa a que aferrarse, sino que se despojó a sí mismo, tomando forma de siervo, hecho semejante a los hombres; y estando en la condición de hombre, se humilló a sí mismo, haciéndose obediente hasta la muerte, y muerte de cruz. Por lo cual Dios también le exaltó hasta lo sumo, y le dio un nombre que es sobre todo nombre, para que en el nombre de Jesús se doble toda rodilla de los que están en los cielos, y en la tierra, y debajo de la tierra; y toda lengua confiese que Jesucristo es el Señor, para gloria de Dios Padre."

Usa la palabra "morphe" cuando habla de la divinidad de Jesús, que la esencia de Jesús es "Dios", y usa la misma palabra "morphe" cuando dice que Jesús se hizo siervo, Su esencia era divina y Su esencia era humana, Su esencia Dios Rey y Su esencia hombre siervo, ambas cosas. Dice que Él asumió el diseño del hombre, diseñado para presentarse como hombre, pero Su esencia era Dios siervo. Eso es lo que Dios quiere que sea nuestra esencia, nacidos de Dios.

El mundo va a decir que si alguien es como un Dios o si tiene algo de Dios en él o ella que esa persona va a ser engrandecido y va a ser autoritario con los demás, pero el Dios verdadero, el Dios del universo es el Dios grande y también siervo a la misma vez, este es el reino del contrasentido, de lo "patas arriba", así debemos vivir nosotros, para manifestar esto.

Vamos al Evangelio de Juan capítulo 5, es la historia del hombre enfermo que quiso meterse en el Estanque de Bethesda, no podía llegar a las aguas y Jesús lo sana diciéndole: Saca tu camita y anda, caminando en el día de reposo los fariseos lo condenaron porque no guardaba la ley, y Jesús dijo: Verdaderamente les digo que el Hijo del Hombre no puede hacer nada por sí mismo sino que Él debe observar lo que el Padre hace. Jesús vino para mostrarnos quién es Dios y lo que Él nos enseñó es a cómo vivir. Somos llamados a ser como Jesús era en su vida terrenal.

Todo el mundo está esperando está esperando ver la manifestación de los hijos de Dios, hombres y mujeres que no viven bajo la influencia del mundo, hombres y mujeres que están esperando las instrucciones del Padre en sus corazones.

En el Libro de los Hechos se hace referencia a los cristianos como personas que han cambiado y dado vuelta a todas las cosas, esta gente que ha llegado aquí. Quisiera hacer una pregunta medio complicada así que prepárense, es una pregunta medio rara ¿no? provocativa. ¿Quién está cambiando el mundo hoy en día? Lo que yo veo en las noticias no me gusta, no me agrada pero yo veo ese movimiento de ISIS cambiando el mundo matando y haciendo estragos, cambiando el mundo, poniéndolo patas arriba. Ese no es el modelo que yo quiero seguir. Pero Dios está buscando una Iglesia que pueda de verdad cambiar el mundo para bien, no con violencia sino con vidas vividas para seguir a Jesús y Sus caminos.

Lo que yo quisiera hacer ahora en estos momentos es pedirle a Dios que nos revele algo y no estoy hablándoles solamente a ustedes, sino también a mí mismo. Yo creo que estamos tan contaminados por el sistema del mundo, la sutileza de los valores del mundo que están tocando y permeando toda vida. Yo le voy a pedir al Espíritu Santo que haga un milagro en nosotros, que por Su Espíritu Santo nos revele en qué lugares y momentos, cómo nosotros nos estamos aliando con estos valores del mundo. Yo estoy seguro de esto: no podemos observar esto sin que el Espíritu Santo no nos revele la verdad.

Yo escribí una canción hace unos años atrás que es como, un pez que no puede ver el agua, como los pájaros que no saben que existe aire alrededor. Nosotros vivimos, habitamos una cultura pecaminosa que alrededor de nosotros está tan presente que ni nos damos cuenta que existe. Sólo Dios puede revelarnos lo que nosotros, por nuestras fuerzas no podemos observar, pero si dejamos que el Espíritu haga la obra en nosotros vamos a comenzar a escuchar Su Voz otra vez.

No es solamente escuchar Su Voz para que podamos acercarnos a Su Presencia y sentirnos bendecidos en Su Presencia, yo quiero eso, yo quiero sentir el consuelo de Su Presencia, lo que yo quisiera es que Dios me hable de tal manera que me transforme para que cuando yo salga de aquí yo sea diferente y que viva de una manera que pueda cambiar mi mundo alrededor, que sea diferente a como era antes.

Padre: te pedimos que Tu Espíritu pase por aquí, paséate por aquí, te invitamos Espíritu Santo, estamos delante de Ti, queremos seguirte a Ti Señor. Somos llamados a ser seguidores Tuyos Padre, como un bebé recién nacido tiene que respirar para vivir, Señor sabemos que solamente podemos ser creyentes de verdad si te seguimos.

Señor: gracias por los líderes que Tú has puesto en esta casa, Pastor Roberto, Pastor Greg y todos los demás Pastores, gracias por el liderazgo sano aquí en este lugar, pero Padre, Tú quieres llevar, quieres ser líder de cada hombre, mujer y niño a Tu Presencia. Te bendecimos Espíritu Santo, estamos dispuestos a ser guiados por Tu Espíritu Santo, ser guiados hacia Tu Verdad Señor.

Señor: yo creo que este mundo está a punto de cambiar y queremos que Tú estés allí en el timón guiando el proceso por nosotros. Este mundo no puede soportar más de la influencia del demonio sobre nosotros, este mundo no puede seguir vivo con la influencia de esta época, las mentiras de Satanás que han influenciado las filosofías de nuestro día a día. Hay algo que se levanta en los corazones de Tu pueblo Señor, hay una postura de liderazgo para proclamar tus buenas obras Señor, para poder explicar la fe Señor, para llamar a una nación a arrepentirse, para hacer una transformación en la ciudad.

Señor: no queremos trucos ni engaños para la gente, queremos el derramamiento genuino de Tu Espíritu Santo, queremos que hombres y mujeres puedan ser llenos de Tu Espíritu Santo, llenos de Tu gloria, llenos de Tu unción Señor. Padre rompe las cadenas, rompe las cadenas Señor, que hombres y mujeres se levanten para seguirte a Ti Señor y vean que Tú estás sentado a la diestra de Dios Padre, en el trono de nuestras vidas.

Cada palabra que Tú dices Señor queremos decir sí a Ti, cada palabra que Tú dices queremos decir sí y amén Señor, perdónanos, hemos dejado de seguirte en tantas maneras, hemos vivido la mitad para el mundo y la mitad para Ti, te buscamos cuando hay necesidad. Pedimos Señor por nosotros, haz de esta comunidad un ejército lleno de poder Señor, hombres y mujeres listos para ponerse firmes, llamados a ser Tus siervos, bajo la autoridad que Tú has puesto en orden Señor.

Padre: este negocio del "yo", el "yo", "yo", "yo" tiene que irse, no más. Me arrepiento por tratar de hacer las cosas a mi manera, te digo Señor: Tú eres el único con autoridad en mi vida, Tú eres el único Rey de mi vida, yo te pido que el "yo", el "ego" baje del trono de mi vida y que Tú tomes Tu lugar, te pedimos.

Padre: revélanos, habla a lo profundo de nuestro corazón Espíritu Santo, sólo Tú puedes comunicarte con nosotros, sólo Tú puedes mostrarnos cómo hacerlo Señor. Padre tienes que enseñarnos nuestra carnalidad, las cosas hechas en secreto que no son dignos Señor, sabemos que Tú no eres Dios solamente para condenarnos, que sólo podemos vivir en justicia por Tu Gracia y por Tu Poder Señor, Padre no hay condenación pero hablamos a nuestras ataduras Señor, no queremos más ataduras, queremos Tu Reino, queremos Tu Reinado.

Oh Espíritu Santo, algunos que están atados, enmarañados, engañados por filosofías del mundo, pedimos que podamos volver a una fe de niño, una fe inocente de niño, una inocencia y sencillez. Señor: Tú estás mirando, buscando niños, hijos, no importa nuestra edad cronológica, te pedimos que nuestra fe para Contigo Señor sea como la de un niño, sencilla delante de Ti Señor.

Espíritu Santo: muévete, paséate por aquí Señor. Pon Tu dedo sobre ciertos patrones, ciertas cosas que nos obstaculizan, lo que nos bloquea Señor para que puedas ser levantado Señor, oh Padre.

Todos los que de corazón quieran ser seguidores de Cristo Jesús los invito a ponerse de pie. Los que están parados, les invito a confesar: te voy a seguir Jesús. Te seguiré donde quiera que Tú me lleves, yo voy a hacer lo que Tú me digas. Yo no me voy a aguantar, no voy a estar callado sobre mi fe en Ti Señor. Sé que van a haber personas que van a burlarse de mí por mi testimonio, pero yo voy a testificar y decir lo que Tú has hecho. Has hecho tanto Señor en esta comunidad de personas, nos has levantado del lodo cenagoso y Tú eres digno de ser alabado. Tú mereces la gloria, mereces la honra y no solamente aquí en este templo, Tú lo mereces todos los días en toda conversación, en todo negocio y asunto, Tú mereces la gloria. Te vamos a glorificar Señor, vamos a testificar de Ti Señor, este mundo necesita el mensaje de Tu Gracia salvífica dicho sin vergüenza, dicho con sabiduría, amor y cariño pero sin rebajar el mensaje.

Señor: te pedimos ahora que nos des denuedo Señor, denuedo como los apóstoles que dieron vuelta patas arriba al mundo hace miles de años atrás. Señor: no queremos vivir nuestras vidas solamente hablando del avivamiento, hablando de mover de Tu Espíritu Santo que pasó años atrás. Nosotros somos Tu ejército, un ejército de seguidores, un ejército que está dispuesto a decir que sí Señor, Tú nos mandas y nosotros seguimos. Te pedimos que Tú obres a través de las estructuras de autoridad y nos muestres cómo alinearnos con las autoridades que Tú has puesto.

Padre: no se nos tiene que decir todos los días cada detalle de lo que tenemos que hacer en esta casa, ya Tu Palabra nos ha dicho, te pedimos Señor que nos des ese sentido de autoridad, es hora de que los que están a nuestro alrededor sean salvos, es tiempo de que nuestros vecinos vengan a Ti. Son desordenados, son un caos, no nos gusta su comportamiento pero éramos nosotros así también, así eramos hace poco Señor, así que Padre te rogamos que nos des paciencia y capacidad para hablar de nuestra fe claramente, y te pedimos que Tú sueltes en nosotros una búsqueda sincera en nuestros corazones, y desde ahora en adelante Señor somos diferentes, somos diferentes. Puede pasar en un momento.

Entiendo que hay patrones, entiendo que hay ciclos, pero también entiendo y comprendo el Poder milagroso de Dios y como se dijo la semana pasada de Josué, yo y mi casa servidores a Jehová, serviremos a Jehová. Gracias Señor, gracias Señor, gracias Señor.

Building big lives not big churches

Pastor Brandt Gillespie.png


At a primary text that we’re going to draw on from Colossians chapter 3. You know, the reality is it does not matter much if I speak. That’s not to minimize the articulation of the word of God, it really is simply to give it mission to the fact that we salt each other’s lives with just the sense of presence, with the interaction that happens with one another, just by rubbing shoulders, by hints and glances and subtle signals.

It is a privilege to be able to give voice to the word of God, but we have the opportunity and the reality is that we have the privilege of doing that every day, and whether a person and I’m probably going to cut against some grains in some of the things that I’m saying, I ask that you prepare your spirit, prepare your heart so that it’s not something that might rub coarsely the wrong way, because I don’t want that. That’s not what’s in my soul or in my heart.

But what’s really important is to recognize that God is at work in every one of us through the process wherever we are, day in and day out, whether we identify it, recognize it and open to it or not. It’s really not about standing upfront. It’s not. What it is, is being available every one of us as often and as much as we can.

I’m going to begin just by reading through the chapter and Colossians 3 begins by saying:

“Since then you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above where Christ is seated at the right hand of God, set your minds on things above, not on earthly things for you died and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ who is your life appears then you also will appear with him and glory. But till death, therefore, whatever belongs to your earthly nature, sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desires and greed which is idolatry, because of these the wrath of God is coming. You used to walk in these ways, in the life that you once lived, but now you must rid yourselves of all such things as anger, rage, malice, slander and filthy language from your lips. Do not lie to each other since you have taken off your old self with its practices and have put on the new self which is being renewed….”

I’d like you if you do such things as underlined, I’d like you to mark that word where it says, being renewed, because there’s something in that, that word, the sense of activism, the sense of happening, the sense of an ongoing process that I feel like it is a very vital piece of what we need to see here tonight.

“…. And have put on the new self which is being renewed in knowledge, in the image of the Creator. Here there is no Greek or Jew, circumcised or uncircumcised, barbarians, Scythian, slave or free, but Christ is all and is in all. Therefore as God’s chosen people, holy, and dearly loved, clothe yourself with compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness and patience. Bear with each other and forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you and over all these virtues put on love which binds them all together in perfect unity.

Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts since as members of one body you are called to peace and be thankful. Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom and as you sing songs, hymns, and spiritual songs with gratitude of hearts to God. Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God, the Father, through him.”

Now, I am not going to try to do any kind of expository preaching on this text. I’ve done expository preaching a lot in the past times, it took me three and a half years to get through the book of James, by going verse by verse and I’ll tell you Colossians is loaded. It’s is absolutely jammed packed, if you start to unpack the things that are written in this one chapter alone, our lives would be very, very full by the unveiling of the truth that are written in this scripture, and we would be pushed and pulled and wrestling with the text and working our way through to really comprehend and understand just a little hint of the depth that it really is captured in these words.

I want to just share with you, rather than expositorily, just some thoughts and ideas, but using that as a text, as a background, as something that’s got depth to reflect off of. Right, number one, for us to recognize that we are all called in various settings of service, that God is in all, he is through all. If we read this and we see this that we are being raised with Christ and set our hearts on things that are above and put off the things that are the earthly, the sensual, the devilish, the human dynamics. Put those things off, just put them off and recognize that we are all called and we’re called to different places and different settings of service. We’re called to be salt and we’re called to be light in the culture and this means living out authentic Christian values, wherever we live, wherever we work, wherever we learn and wherever we play.

So, I’m going to just ask God as we begin to go into this that he would do something that really only he can do. Father, I’m going to ask that you would work the miracle of transformation in the inner man of our beings. Father, we can’t do this and we admit and we recognize our fallibility, our humanity, but we ask, Lord, that you would begin to take us and to shape us. Father I’ve just been drawn to that sense of vision, Lord, that you’ve been placing in my heart that we are like dough that is being needed. Lord, that really is your hand that is truly at work. It’s not the wisdom of man, it’s not the artistry of musical words, it is, Lord, your spirit is working deep into our hearts and deep into our soul, something that mixes the dough. Father, in that process, Lord, I pray that you would invite us to experience something that will really break up our presuppositions, the notions that we have about what it is that we are called to become. And, Lord, that we would be able to really have that sense of anchor that is not destabilizing about knowing that you are calling us to be like you, and that you’re calling us into your image. But, Father, that much more than on the individualistic level, Lord, you are trying and you’re giving us occasion and opportunity to allow you to work into us. Something of the uniqueness of a group. We don’t know what that looks like, and Lord, we do not want to rigidly stand in any kind of posture of some kind of arrogant attitude, Lord, you are bringing people from afar and you are intending to create something new.

And so, Lord, we don’t tell you what that is but we open our spirits and our hearts and we ask Lord that you will flavor us, not only with you but really and truly with each other and with what you uniquely use in the way that we have been formed to this point, but yet, Lord, again, the way that we are in the process of being renewed; your renewal work. So Lord, we trust you and we say you have permission, we do understand, Lord that it is easier to say that than to live it, but as sincerely as we are able to express with a quiet sense of confidence towards you, Lord, we say, would you take this ship of souls of whom we are? And would you bring the guidance, Lord? Would you bring the needing? Would you work creatively in a way that pleases and honors you?

We have various settings of service. I was telling Stephen about a video that I was producing down in New Jersey and working with a pastor down there. He’s a very unique model of ministry, he’s a stock broker, that’s his profession, that’s what he’s done. But he felt a vision and a burden for ministry and he had served in the church in Nodley, New Jersey for a number of years and the pastor brought he and a few of the other elders that had served with him, not in any kind of fulltime capacity, or any kind of even background and training, as far as active ministry was concerned. You know, all of the sort of standard ways that we think we become qualified. And he just saw that there was something unique about him and some others and sent them out over a period of six months. And they started 3 or 4 different churches, under his authority, under his leadership, with the guidance and wisdom that was there but he sent them out and let them go.

I hope that you get to meet Peter Roseli sometime, because that’s his name, and Peter, as a stock broker, just began to have a meeting, began…. they went into this high school and they had a small group probably, not much bigger of this grouping of people that we are here, but they approached things very, very differently. He has now still continued on, at least half of his time, as a stock broker, and that’s his work. He has got certain gifts of be able to see and administrate and oversee and cast vision and those type of things, but he is the pastor and they have others who are on staff, and those others who are on staff, they have many who are full time on staff, who have giftings and ministries and different kinds of things that really pertain to counseling and to sharing and things that, he said to me as we were setting, he said, ‘If I had to do that, you know, I could do it a little bit, but I’d go crazy. It’s just not me’. It’s not in his gift mix to accomplish that and to do that and the thing is that we look at certain standards of how ministry is doing.

The reason I’m using that as just a simple example. There are many different variations that God can use and what I feel like, what I would love to see God do is experiment with us as a people group. Experiment with us, so that he could create something that was unique and different and that’s not in the sense of saying, look for the unusual or try to do something strange and avant-garde just because it’s either cool or novel or something like that. It’s not about that, it’s really about really trying to understand what God is going to use in this place and time, in this moment to accomplish the purposes that are in his heart. And they may be different or they may not be different than what would seem like a traditional model.

But I just really want for us to begin to get this as a foundation, if God were giving me permission to be able to something into our souls collectively, it would really be to do with understanding that every one of us are courier and carriers of the anointing of God wherever we are. We are in fact, minister of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, all the time, and it is not based upon some ecclesiastical ladder, some kinds of hierarchal pecking order, it is not to do with that. That is not what really loosens and releases ministry. What loosens and releases ministry is the understanding that how God has made you is designed perfectly for you to be able to function where you are now, and not to be upset, and not to be frustrated, highbred, about the walls and the barriers and the hinders and the things that you run up against and you know, can I do this? What’s the calling on my life?

You know, there’s so many people and I’ve lived to see it, and I have experienced myself, I mean, I’m not speaking from some kind of pontification point where, you know, it doesn’t touch my light, that there is a lot of life that is absolutely wasted because we are waiting to get somewhere else, we’re looking for a door to be opened. We’re hoping that there will an occasion and opportunity for us to be able to do something that we think that we’re designed for. And you know what? It’s God at work in the process. That’s what really counts.

It counts what you’re doing today. It counts who you speak to and how you talk. It counts that you carry Jesus in the workplace. It counts, that’s what counts. To me, that is the foundation that we need to understand, recognize that we’re all called to ministry in different settings of service.

Now, number two we are called to fulfill a life that has significance, value and meaning that communicates the life of Christ to our family, first, to our co-workers and to our friendship circles. That is where we live life. We don’t live life on Sunday morning or Saturday evening. This is a window into an experience, but we live life day in and day out. And the first place that we are to live out our life of faith, really, and I mean, it seems as thought this just might be so simplistic as to not have a way of impact in us, but it is in our homes, it is to do for the way for our husband to love his wife, for a wife to honor and love her husband, for a father to care for and raise up the children in the ways of the Lord and to be able to live those things out.

You know, this is where the rubber really does meet the road. It’s where we experience the transformation of values, the most important place is in our homes. The second most important place is where we labor, where we work, where we spend our time, where we transfer our energies to gain the substance that we call wealth or money, or whatever it is that provides for us. And so, this is a place and you are, I am a missionary, whether we recognize it or not, we should begin to really live in an intentional, attuned state, highlighting, I’m going to the mission field today.

I know, it’s hard to get there sometimes, you know, it would be much easier to go to Central America. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to be missionaries to Africa? You know, wouldn’t it be exciting to be able to on a mission journey to wherever? Our missionary journey is when we get out of bed and we pick up our cup of coffee and we go to wherever it is that we go to and we do whatever it is that we do.

So, the honing and the sharpening of the work of God in our lives in this arena, is absolutely imperative. And then, of course, the third thing that I said, in our friendships, in our friendship circles. One of the things that I really believe that God would be greatly honored with is that we would be intentional about developing friendships and friendship circles outside of the circles that we might ordinarily find ourselves associating with.

When people first come to Christ they have a set of friends that are usually outside of the circle of church relationships and fellowships. Within the span or 2 to 3 years, by and large, there’s a transference that takes place and what it is, is the friendships and it’s basically because of the sense of common values, and those type of things that is very normal for this to happen and is not necessarily bad or wrong for this to take place, particularly as people are coming into the things of Christ and they’re developing new friends and they need to leave some old influences, perhaps, behind because those influences are not positive in their lives and are not helpful on to a restructuring of the friendships may, in fact, be particular of the work of the grace of God in our lives for a season.

But as we develop and as we grow in Christ the Lord really does want for us to be able to intentionally begin to develop those friendships, casual relationships, the kinds of things that we can then invest in the way that we can meet people and we can share with them and we can have kind of, like common moments.

You know, I have a neighbor who has been really hard to kind of get to know, he’s been very cautious and very guarded, but you know, his wife got sick a year ago and she had fiber mialgia and through that it’s be able to create moments, to be able to communicate and moments to be able to talk and to be able to share, and is just in a building process. I’m not evangelizing him. I’m not trying to see him as a soul, I’m going to get that soul, you know, he’s a human being. He is a human being who is in the process of coming into some kind of exposure to another person with a different set of values and who is a believer and a Christian.

But, 2 weeks ago I found out that he left his job and he is now taking on a new responsibility and in this new responsibility that’s completely different, he’s way out of his comfort zone. And you know, just based on that it’s developed the opportunity for exchange and for interaction. And so, we need to look at these things and we need to be developing these things because the moment will come, if you have done the ground work, just to be a friend to somebody, the moment will come when there will be some kind of a moment of need and something will crystallize around that and it will be an opportunity to be able to share and impart something that God has given you, that is important and is significant.

So, I really want you to understand that about your life is significant. Your life has value no matter where you are and no matter what season of life you’re in.

There’s a third thing that I want for you to think about and it was an interesting comment that I was up at the seminary and I was there because Jack …… was speaking and I am a Jack ….. fan, ok? When I pastured for a number of years, every week I got Jack….. tapes, you know, and I listened to it, Jack…., Jack….., Jack….. you know, and that’s not setting him on a pedestal. He is a human being and he is not even afraid of communicating weaknesses or flaws or inabilities and I mean, I remember a tape that he shared on when he was talking about how his son came to him as an adult son now, and started lining up all of the ways that Jack ….. had failed in and went down the line, one after another, after another, after another, after another. And you know what? I just even through that tape got an opportunity to hear a man bear his soul about the pain of that experience, and having to say, ‘I know, I agree, I know that I failed in those ways, in those areas’.

So, I mean, that’s a little bunny rabbit trail off to the side, but I hold him in high regard, I hold him in high regard and it’s probably basically because I don’t know of anybody that I since been sounder longer than Jack …… But, when he was at the seminary one of the things he was sharing, he said, God’s interested in growing big people.

And they, I mean, I was out there for church growth conferences and different things and I’ve met with Jack and had dinner with him, and so I kind of got him to know him a little bit, but he made these statements, he said, at the seminary, he said, ‘the at the way we didn’t try to primarily grow programs, we only used the programs as a set of tools to ultimately grow people. And, you know, to me that just resonates so much with me and it’s probably because I’m indoctrinated but you’ll forgive me for that.

It’s really, you know, there’s…. how many of you have heard of Peter Wagner? Anybody? A handful of people. Great man. A very great man. Don’t want to minimize or take away from that man or his work, or his impact, one little …… but they used to do church growth seminars, and that was a big thing in the late eighties, early nineties, it was the church growth seminars, and a lot of people went to them. I went to them and Sam probably did, other people did. You know, I mean, it was quite common, quite a common experience and you’d go and you’d learn about all of the different things that it took to be able to break the 100 barrier, and break the 600 barrier and all of these technical kinds of things about church and growth and that.

But, the thing that I trust about what ……. was talking about here, is he said, we never intentionally went out to try to grow a big church. Now, they’ve grown a big church but the internationality was on growing big people. If we can grow up, I really mean this, if we can grow up to be really big people and I think that does take a little flashing out of the terminology. It doesn’t mean becoming grossly over weighted, making your way to another hamburger stand, you know. Sam is champion in the way to slimness, I see. I am observing.

But, it’s the sense of becoming big is really a qualitative term to describe the capacities that people can grow into as opposed to being limited and stuck at certain perspectives and certain levels. We’ve all been stuck, ok? I promise you, nobody is been stuck more than I’ve been stuck at certain points in my life, at certain places. I really understand what stuck means. But a church that will be intentional about really growing people, helping one another. How do we grow people? What does it really mean?

I think growing big people from me might be best described by creating an environment where people can really be honest and receive honesty framed in kindness that helps the soul to be able to really trust.

I’m going to go into some other stuff here in this message, but I want us to think about that for a little bit, because there’s a culture, there’s an environment and if we want to grow and really, truly grow big people, people with capacity, people with strength, people with wisdom, people with bearing, at the risk, and I know it’s a risk, at the risk of being misunderstood, kind of get here on the edge a little bit, it will not happen, it does not happen with just a pulpit pew dynamic. It does not happen even….

Listen, I love the worship that’s happening here. I love that and the worship experience is great. It’s a good thing. But it doesn’t happen just with a great worshipping experience. It happens, it is mysterious, ok, because it’s a God thing, do you understand this? That when God does stuff, he does it in a mysterious way in the sense that he does it so that you can’t nail him, you think you can nail him down, you think you can figure him out and then he changes it on you. He does that. He does it because he’s God and he does it so that we can’t just create our stamp old pattern. You know, we’re going to make big Christians, pum… pum… pum… We’re going to get this formula. He won’t let that happen. He goes out of his way to keep it mysterious so that we’re always on this journey, you know, trying to find, trying to understand, trying to discover, trying to learn his ways that are higher than our ways. They are higher, they are past finding out. And then he invites us to come into the mystery. You know, it’s mind-boggling. It is really is mind-boggling, but that in fact is how he does this.

Now, what I want to just share a little bit about is why if this is God’s plan, if this is God’s way, if we look at this and I sort of break down these scriptures and we started to go and really explore into them, we would definitely find case upon case, upon case, of instruction and the word of God that causes to grow up, to be mature, to be strengthen. But what is it that sabotages this? What is it?

So, a little bit of exploration into that I think is worth doing. Before we go there, I just want to…. you know, God’s plan is people and when God said in Act 2, verse 14, “the earth shall be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”

When God spoke that, when God said that, his way that that will happen is with people. I mean, we are. It’s the church, it’s the ecclesia, it’s the called out once, God’s way to reach the world, God’s way to manifest his glory is us, is the people. God desires to do that. I mean, yes, there are occasions that he’s demonstrated and he’s shown where he will break through and he will do the lightening bowl thing, or the Red Sea thing or he’ll make man a happen, or he’ll spring Jesus out of the grave, you know, and there are points in history that you can look at that and there’s certain supernatural interactions where God breaks through space and time and goes bum… but in general, by and large, God’s means of manifesting his glory is through his people, is by helping us to be able to come to everything that he has really wanted and designed us to become.

So, what goes wrong? What happens? What sabotages God’s plan? People have become disillusioned of the church because leadership, by and large, has been willing to use people. Now, there’s a number of things, but I’m going to go here first, because leadership has been willing to use people as expendable commodities in order to achieve and further their vision, rather than truly understand the heart of God for his people and really lovingly lay down their lives as leaders for the growth and development of the people of God.

Now, if you let me, just going to re read that. People have become disillusioned with the church because leadership has been willing to use people as expendable commodities in order to achieve and further their vision, rather than truly understand the heart of God for his people and really lovingly lay down their lives as leaders for the growth and development of the people of God.

When I was a kid, we used to sing a song, and I think Charlotte remembers, there might be people who …… sitting here, I don’t know. It was to be used of God, to speak, to sing, to pray. To be used of God, to show someone the way……

There are some of us that know these old things. ….I long so much to feel the touch of his consuming fire, to be used of God is my desire. And you know, we used to sing, you know, it’s like one of those longing songs. I mean, we sing them, there are different words and that but the core of them is that yearning after God to be used of God, you know, to be useful in his hands, as tools. I mean, it’s a theme through scripture, it’s a longing of most people’s hearts.

But the reality here is that we want to be used by God. Do you know that God’s people really want to be used by God? They really want to be used by God but nobody wants to be used by people. Nobody wants to be used by people. And there’s a couple of illustrations that I want to just share with you. I was thinking about this, and I mentioned it to Charlotte and I said, you know, there’s these ants. You know, there’s these ants that grow and they grab other ants and they take them and then bring them in to their hive, or their colony and they take their larvae and their pubae and they bring them in and they subordinate them, and then they make them do all the work, and they sit back and they eat all the spoils of these other ants doing this work. And sure enough, Charlotte looked upon the web and we found out who they are these evil little ants. And they were Poliergus summarized species of ants. I’m not going to go on and talk a little bit more about these particular ants and their process, but if you want to you can look that up as well.

And I got to thinking about how many of you have ever watched Star Trek, the next generation. Anybody is Star Trek? Anybody? Anybody would divulge that they would watch such nonsense? I couldn’t help to think about the borg, you know, like going through the galaxy, absorbing all kinds of, every kind of life, all the collective that they’re building out of the cling ons and the Valcans and the Romulans and the humans and taking bits and pieces of them and it’s sort of a nonsense, fantastical kind of a story.

But the reality is that even though it’s fantasy, there is a visceral response and reaction to it. and the visceral response and reaction to it and the abhorrence of it, you know, that they use the fantasy to create and gives dynamic to the story and makes you have an emotional response and reaction to it, that’s a real fear and it’s based on something that really happens. And what it is that really happens, that we’re fearful of is we don’t want to just be gobbled up and utilized for, in some impersonal sense, to become a part of some other thing that doesn’t give space or room for our individuality, our creativity, what we have been designed to bring and to offer. That’s the fear that that fantasy is touching and that our emotions are responding to.

So, I feel like what we need to do is we need to just look because these things, even though they are exaggerated illustrations, what they are really pointing to is a very functional thing. It’s ok, just turn it off. And ultimately the issue really comes down to the issue of trust particularly in the arena of leadership. Can we trust the leadership?

People want to know, I’ve often said this, we as humankind we really do want leadership, we want to be lead. I don’t think there’s any human being, except for maybe a few people that are really ill, and there are some, but you know, they’re so rebellious and just so……, I think we as human beings want to be lead, but we want good leadership. We want leadership that we can rest in, that we can trust. We want leadership that is going to help us find our way to that place of releasing in us the things that we’ve been designed to seed into the earth.

So, for me, as we ponder these things and we look at, you know, what is it that sabotages God’s plan? Among the things that sabotage God’s plans are these defective kinds of models. And the Bible does speak to this, the Bible talks about, you can look in Jeremiah 23, verse 1 through 4, where it says:

“Woe to the shepherds who are destroying and scattering the sheep of my pasture, declares the Lord. Therefore this is what the Lord, the God of Israel says to the shepherd who tend my sheep because you’ve scattered my flock and because you’ve driven them away, and because you have not bestowed care on them, I will bestow punishment on you for the evil that you’ve done, declares the Lord. I myself, will gather the remnant of my flock out of all of the countries where I have driven them and I will bring them back to their pasture where they will be fruitful and where they will increase in number, and I will place shepherds over them who will tend them and they will no longer be afraid or terrified, nor will any be missing, declares the Lord.”

God has an opinion about this. God has an opinion about this. He cares about these things.

I want us to contrast these stern warnings to Paul’s love for the church. The churches that he had birthed, in First Thessalonians, chapter 2 on verse 13, we read, it says:

“And we also thank God continually because you received the word of God which you heard from us, you accepted it, not as a word of men but as it actually is, the word of God, which is at work, in you who believe, for you brothers became imitators of God’s church in Judea, which are in Christ Jesus, you suffered from your own countrymen the same things that the churches suffered from the Jews who killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets and also drove us out, they displeased God and are hostile to all men in their efforts to keep us from speaking to the gentiles so that they may be saved. In this way they always heap up their sins to the limit and the wrath of God has come upon them at last.”

And then Paul in these statements of longing he says:

“But brothers, we were torn away from you for a short time, in person, not in thought, out of our intense longing we made every effort to see you, for we wanted to come to you, certainly I, Paul, did. Again, and again but Satan stopped us, for what is our hope, our joy, our crown in which we glory in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ when he comes, is it not you? Indeed, you are our glory and joy.”

The beautiful thing about that portion of scripture to me, is that what Paul was saying about the people that grew up under his ministry, is you, you, you’re the glory, you’re the crown. It’s you, you’re the beauty, you’re the testimony, you’re the evidence. It’s you, it’s your life, it’s what happening in you, it’s what’s going on in you, what’s manifested for you. it’s you, you’re the ones. That’s what important.

It’s not the program. It’s not whether we can sing or dance or jump or roll, you know, it’s not whether we can speak in tongues, or have gifts of wisdom and interpretation or understanding. It’s not that. It’s the evidence of what is happening in the fiber of your being. You’re the testimony. Your life growing and maturing is the evidence of the glory of God resting on the planet.

If we can have the privilege of be able to rub up against each other, or provoking one another to love and good works, look, the reality is we all have rough edges, that’s the reality, but we’re in the process, we’re in the process. It is our rough edges, it’s our blindnesses, it’s our stupidity sometimes, it’s those things that become the actual grit that polishes one another lives if we can receive it and if we can let it happen.

And it’s not so much especially in a church that’s formative and at very best, I hope, I hope, reformative, I mean it sincerely, I hope that we are the formers of …. Do you know, I mean, it’s very easy for churches to quickly crystallize it’s very easy for that to happen. All it takes is a few people in a few positions thinking they got it, and I’m not trying to label anything with that, I’m just telling you the facts, how this stuff happens. Structure, order, bum, bum, bum and you have a die that’s cast and it’s just going to replicate itself and do that thing again and again, and it’s not going to really go anywhere, it’s not going to have much impact on the culture.

I honestly, you know, I mean, I do believe that there are some churches that are called, actually called to be small, group kinds of dynamic. There are some that are actually intentionally developed that way and the Lord uses that. I personally believe that a healthy church has the commitment to the growth of the individual, but also has an understanding that there’s something about the mixing of that and times in it with numbers of people. It’s not to love number, because there’s always that pull, you know, there’s always that tension that tends to want to look numerically, you know, it was a fault of David numbering the people, it’s a tendency all the way along. You know, we measure and it’s a pull it’s just a pull that’s there.

But I believe that if we will allow God deliberately to use us in a community to touch each other’s lives including the things I do that rub you the wrong way, including things you do that rub me the wrong way and we don’t back off, and we permit the process to happen that God will use it as a means of horning us, sharpening us, fashioning us and we’ll become something that we wouldn’t have become if anyone no matter who they are, said, this is it, we’re going this way. Ok? They’re not times and seasons for directional leadership because there are times for that that really are.

Just a couple of more thoughts. I think I’m going to close there. We don’t need any extras, that’s plenty.

Father, we’re just going to ask that you would help us, Lord, just to experience your touch and your presence and your grace. Lord, we’re looking for formation that comes from your hand, not formation that comes specifically by the design of somebody’s calculating words. We give you permission to begin to shape the core of our beings and Father, I am very aware that words are cheap in regards to these statements, and the demonstration of it is by the breaking of light together, the bread of life, by the exposing of ourselves to the process of really knowing each other and coming into community here and going through the tougher parts of that and learning how to trust you in it.

So, Holy Spirit we simply quiet ourselves, and we say, you’re the potter, we’re the clay, we are the lump of bread that you are of necessity needing. Lord, we’re in your hands and God, whether this church, entity, quote unquote English service, develops one way or another, Lord, we say to you whatever you want, we say yes, and say it’s a good thing. it’s a good thing.

Lord, we know that we’re just pilgrims and strangers and we really are passing through each other’s lives, some of our passages will be brief in and out, some will be longer, some may have the substance of many years, who knows, Lord, you know, we’re not here to tell you that, we’re just here to say to you Lord, we want for you to work with us while we’re here, in this place, during this season, and that Lord, we would grow up more and more until we can stand, in humility erect and strengthened because you have done the work Lord, you are doing the work, the most that we hope to be able to do is say repeatedly, quickly, again and again yes, yes, Lord. When you nudge us, yes Lord. When you speak to us, yes, Lord. And as you grow us and you test us and you take us to further extremities of our readiness to say yes, Lord, I just pray that you will graciously, mercifully, as the loving Father you are, work kindly, grow us up, Lord.

Becoming honest


You know I really think that God is at work in a rather unique way here in this setting. And I believe that it pleases him that the primary gifted leader that this is built around is Roberto Miranda, and I mean that based on the sense that he’s a senior pastor of this assembly of ministries and of ministers and of congregants and of outreaches, and we were talking, not this last time, but the time before, and as we were sharing and we’re talking there was this freedom in Roberto’s spirit that I was able to just hear and receive and really lean into and it was the sense that it’s all God’s, this is all God’s, that there’s no presupposition about how God is going to do whatever it is that he is going to do.

You know, I would really invite all of us to just be able to enter into the gift that there truly is and that truly brings because it’s a gift for you. It’s a gift for everyone of us. But as we come and as we gather, as we offer our praise that we never permit ourselves the trap of feeling as though somehow some portion of expression, of ministry or function, is ours for the possession and ours for the territorial taking. Believe there’s territories to be taken but they’re not taken that way, but with the humility of spirit that comes and says ‘we are here as servants’.

And I truly believe that we’re here in a very special time in the life of this body life, all of us. I consider this formation, I consider this season and this time of something that God miraculously as he does again and again out of his creative nature, he takes and he mixes stuff, lives, impressions, anointings, different dynamics that are pulled from hither and yon and you don’t know where and why and you don’t know for how long, or for what reason or purpose, but it’s like he flavors us with one another and with his grace.

Now, in the sharing and the teaching that I feel to bring emphasis to hear this evening, I’d like us to begin by looking at a single verse of scripture which will not be the primary text, but it’s that very familiar portion from John, the gospel of John, chapter 1 and verse 14, that says: “.. and the word became flesh, made its dwelling among us and we have seen his glory. The glory of the one and only who came from the Father full of grace and truth”.

We’re going to look into the life of David and some of the things from the psalms and the hard cry that is there in him as a man, as the primary focus of where we’re going to draw our text and some of the things that I feel like that the Lord would want for us to say, but what I really feel is the key thing to understand is that Jesus is giving us an invitation into his personhood in a greater measure, in a greater measure than perhaps we have any of us tasted or seen. And his manifestation when he came was the fulfillment of the filling full of both grace and truth. These two things that seemed to be somehow cosmically distant from one another, are forged in the person of Jesus and I am not scholarly enough to even begin to make any kind of an exegetical attempt at trying to give voice to the depth of what that all means. I just know that it’s absolutely power-pack with this combination of dynamics that is so life-giving, because we live in a world and we come from a culture and the imprint upon our lives throughout our church experience by and large has heavy leanings in one direction or another.

And you look at what has happened historically with the church and giving a little bit of background I was raised in the church, my parents preached to God with not a flexiglass pulpit because they hid me in a ……….. underneath the pulpit. And I hope I was well fed so that I didn’t go screaming. But, from the time I was the tiniest, I was in and around stuff about God, and the kingdom, and preaching, teaching and I’m glad for the heritage. I’m very, very grateful for it.

But, you know, there is and there was a real mixture of dynamics that happened, and that’s because of our fallibility and our humanity, and we’ll never get it all right. We can’t present it fully complete and to think that we will is really erroneous, because we have made mistakes and will make mistakes and it’s just a part and a parcel of life and process that we grow in.

But we see that in the imprint of the church and the imprint of what happens in life is, there’s either this vast emphasis on grace and anybody can do anything; or there is this uptightness about the rigidity of perfectionism and truth that can absolutely cut to the core and you can wipe people out with it, and we’ve been wiped out with truth, you know, and we’ve been led astray into sin through grace. But God has this cohesively masterfully put into a whole in the person of Jesus Christ.

Now, I’m going to invite us to take a look at some of the scripture that are from psalm 32, that really talk about David and you know, I’m going to read some of this from the King James version, not that I read the King James version all that much, but there’s just a couple of ways of the phrases are turned that I just feel to do that here. I do have it in the NIB as well and I will make reference to some of that, but it’s a psalm of David.

“Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom the Lord imputeth not iniquity and in whose spirit there is no guile.

When I kept silence, my bones waxed all through my roaring all the day long. For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me. My moisture is turned into the drought of summer”. And it gives a pause and says “Selah.”

Stop and think about that and I want you to stop and think about that for a moment.

“My moisture is turned into the drought of summer.”

We’re going to emphasize that and come back to it.

“I acknowledge my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, ‘I will confess my transgressions unto the Lord and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. For this shall every one that is godly pray unto thee in a time when thou mayest be found: surely in the floods of great waters, they shall not come nigh unto him. Thou art my hiding place, thou shall preserve me from trouble, thou shall compass me about with songs of deliverance. I will instruct thee and teach thee in the ways which thou shall go: I will guide thee with mine eyes.

Be ye not as a horse or a mule, which has no understanding, whose mouth must be held with a bit or a bridle, lest they come near unto thee. Many sorrows shall be to the wicked, but he that trusted in the Lord mercy shall compass him about.”

I heard today an interpretation from the dictionary that mercy is an act of excessive kindness that goes beyond what is required for a given situation.

“…..mercy shall compass him about.” Then, the last verse “Be glad in the Lord and rejoice, ye righteous and shout for joy, all ye that are upright of heart”.

Father, we really ask that you will break this word to our souls as manna and as bread. Father, we come here into your presence and we ask Lord, that you would tryly make us as guileless children, that you would break off of us every hint of what we seem to be cluttered with: presumptuousness, assumptions, carrying around yokes of presuppositions. Father, we really ask that you will not just break our paradigms in the sense that we necessarily must have something different, but, Lord that we are available for everything different that you would want to impart, for everything, Lord, that carries the life of your spirit into us as beings.

Lord, I ask that you would put your hand over we, who are gathered in this moment, and that truly you would fashion us, and that you would form us and we don’t tell you what that looks like, or what that means, but we are intentional Lord in coming before you and saying ‘Lord, visit. Lord, make entrance.’

David said in anguish of soul over the broken condition of his moral failure ‘when I kept silence, my bones waxed all through the roaring, my roaring, all the day long.

The NIB says, “when I kept silent my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long”

In our sin, the primary deceit that Satan perpetrates on us is that we can’t tell anyone about our failures, about our broken condition. That we can’t, we just can’t do that. But David said, he said his bones waxed all or they literally they lost moisture, that’s the reason why I wanted to use this particular version. They lost moisture as turning to drought. The dryness of the condition that happens, I want us to begin to understand the parallel between what takes place when we are transparent, when we are vulnerable, when we are available and how that there is a biblical order of disseminating that as being moisture, or that being plenty, or that being abundance. And when we put the guard up, when we do not unveil, when we refuse to really honestly communicate the content of what’s going on in the arena of our soul, there is a shriveling that takes place, there’s a dryness that happens, and it is the result of what goes on many, many different levels.

Now, in verse 32:5 “I acknowledge my sin, he said, unto thee and mine iniquity have I not hid, I said I will confess my transgression unto the Lord and thou forgavest the iniquities of my sins.”

I’ve got some questions that if you are taking notes, and you would like to write them down, I invite you to do so. The questions are these:

Why should anyone commit to the process of becoming honest? The process to coming to honesty is really not an automatic process. It’s not something that’s natural to the natural man.

The question number two is: How is my coming to honesty, how is it like, the peeling back of the layers of an onion in my life?

I want you to ask it of yourself. In my life, what does that look like. How has that manifested itself? How has the process of moving from being guarded, being solitary, being individualized? How has the process of coming to transparency and honesty been like, the peeling back of layers of an onion? Just even put down a couple of thoughts about what that has looked like for you.

The third question I want us to ask: How have I learned and practiced the habits of hiddenness in my life? Because we all have done this. How have I practiced the habits of hiddenness?

Allow these questions to become deeply personal to you. Don’t just think, well, it’s another message, it’s just something somebody is asking. It’s kind of a literary device that’s being used by a preacher as some kind of technique.

Let God use this, just let him use it. I’m going to reframe them, ask them again and the three questions.

Why should anyone commit to the process of coming to honesty? Why should anybody do that?

Number 2: How is my coming to honesty, how is that like, like peeling back the layers of an onion? What has happened in my life? Where you’ve seen that, where you’ve seen some kind of parallel to that?

Number 3: How have I learned and practiced the habits of hiddenness in my life, in my soul?

I would offer up to you that hiddenness is learned from behavioral modification. It takes place as we are being raised as children. It’s not necessarily, even bad, in and of itself in these ways, that as children we have learned what behaviors need to be exhibited that we be rewarded and we manifest those behaviors that get rewarded and get affirmed. And likewise, we learn what behaviors are going to be judged, and are going to be seen as unhealthy or somehow scorned, or unappreciated and devalued. And so, we learn this process as we grow. It’s all through the culture, it’s not specific to Christianity. It’s everywhere, it’s ubiquitous, it’s in the air, it’s in the fiber of how we are growing as human kind.

So, we learn these behaviors and we learn what is going to be rewarded, and we learn what is not going to be appreciated or is going to be punished and it usually takes coming…. No, backup here a second…

There are things that go on within us where we may consciously understand and know that according to the morale and the times and the setting that we live in, that there are certain things that we ought not do but that there are certain impulses that are there, that are pushing or driving, or attracting to certain things that are taboo or unrewarded or things that are looked at as sin, and yet something in there wants to move towards that.

And so it’s in the place where we find that we are trapped, so to speak, by the impulses and the things that are going on inside of us and those things are looked at and they are judged and so we hide it, we drive it into the closet. So, then, what happens is we become duplicities, we become compartmentalized, and we live our lives in two kinds of streams: our public persona and that which is approved, and that which is affirmed, and that which we get strokes for, and that what we get promotions for, or that which we get rewarded financially, and in every other way, and then there is the compartmentalization of these issues that somehow we have clues that this is not good, this is not right, this is not affirmed, this is not something that what we want. But yet there are these intangible drawings to those types of behaviors, attitudes, thoughts, internal workings and we hide them.

Going back to John, chapter 1, verse 14. “the word became flesh dwelling among us. We’ve seen its glory, the glory of the one and the only who came from the Father full of grace and truth”.

Without going into all details of my life story which I am happy to do, adnosium, I have experienced and I know this stuff, I know it, I know it. I know it. I know it tragically and by the grace of God I know it victoriously. I know both of these things, I know both sides of these issues.

The invitation that God is making because where he wants to take us, he wants to take us back to pre-fall in the Garden, walking and talking with God face to face, no shame, standing before one’s mate in nakedness, not even knowing of the nakedness. We’re not going to get there, I don’t think, you know, in this life, on this earth, but it’s where God is taking us and is where your soul longs to live. It’s where everything inside of you wants to be able to let it all hang out.

God, I believe, is wanting to lead the church of Jesus Christ into a place where we can be before one another in honesty, without shame, without reactive pain. In order for that to be accomplished it is going to take us really to experiencing a community and an environment that will be full of grace and truth. It’s going to take truth because we really don’t find out about ourselves without exposing our stuff to others so we can have feedback, because we’re so screwed up in how we think and how we process, that we can walk out behaviors over time that are done in secret and feel very justified: it’s called rationalization.

We rationalize things and we live our lives out of touch with what is really happening and God is calling us into truth. And we will find that truth, but we won’t find that truth without the unveiling of our souls in the community of people. But in order to have that kind of unveiling it not only has to be that truth element, but there has to be great grace. There has to be a grace to be able to receive people where they are at with the unresolved issues, with the tensions, with the brokenness, and not to say ‘I don’t know where you belong, but you don’t belong here’. Do you understand?

The natural response is to set up a culture that has a given shape to it, has a certain rigid set of standards and say ‘you’re welcome to come as long as you fit these standards’. And God is going to have to help us to grow into a people that are beyond that, that are different than that, and he is. I do not believe that the next great visitation that God will give the earth will be able to be fashioned after the pharisaical set of standards that many of us have grown up with, that many of us have been imprinted with. I don’t think it will happen that way.

But God is calling us, each as individuals, to some place of examination and some place of contemplation, not contemplation in the individual level in the closet all by ourselves, not the reading of the Bible. It’s that there is not a place for our private devotional lives, there is. It must be there. But, often times, the trap of the spirit man and woman is to live monastically, disconnected and really out of touch with what’s really going on, because there’s no way of be able to perceive from others and their input.

So, God by his mercy, is going to call us, this place, this time, whatever it is that he does, however he manifests himself, it’s going to come by us being willing to be vulnerable, unavailable to one another, and again without presuppositions.

So, I don’t know that I’ve got a lot more to say about this, but I’d like for us to pray and really ask God: how does this apply to my life? What is hidden? What’s the next layer that God in his mercy and grace is kindly going to lift back? How am I going to respond to what I perceive as the pain of that exposure? How am I going to react?

I’m going to do this little thing, you know, bow your heads, close your eyes, just in the sense of asking God to speak on the more intimate level, the heart level, asking him:

Father, we invite you because you are kind and you are merciful and we are confident in your love, so we ask you, Father, to come and give us revelation on what you want to unveil, and what you want to reveal at this time, in this place, on this night.

I don’t know if you’ve got the courage to do this, but in just simply asking for the wisdom of God, let me say this. If God gives you the confidence to be able to speak to somebody over the next 24 hours about something that you’ve been afraid to unveil and you haven’t really had the courage to go there, that you would take the initiative because at the end of that is the moisture, at the end of that is the death of dryness.

You wonder why you feel dry? You wonder perhaps, where the passion is going to ride, it’s because, like David said, when I shut these things up, when I refuse to admit, when I close down on the process that’s when felt like the dryness in my bones, life, life was going out of me.

You want revival? Individually, collectively? It’s not hard, I don’t mean to be super simplistic, but it is as fundamental as foundational, as opening, say ‘ok, I’m going to stretch one more time and one more area. I’m going to unveil. I’m going to lay back the hindrances, the things that have kept me from being vulnerable.

You think that the price of being vulnerable is going to be too much. That’s what we are told. That’s the lie that the evil one says. And the fact of the matter is we have been wounded by being vulnerable and I tell you a truth: you will be again.

But what is the choice? Poverty of spirit, dryness of soul, empty patterns of ritualistic doing? Our life, our life. This is life. It’s life. It’s life.

I love to sing the worship songs, I love to hear it, except the preachers preach sometimes, love is not too much of me, but I love to see men and women yielding to the spirit of God and taking a step forward in the risk of it all, in the attempt to say ‘yes’, even in the haltingness of our endeavors, even in the stumbling of our steps, even in all of the ambiguity and insecurity. It’s all there and it’s going to be there, but God’s grace, he is building a people that understand the process. He is building a people that can endure each other as we unveil.

I want you to know this: I speak this for me, but I know this of Roberto too, there is nothing that you’ve done, or you’ve thought that could stop me from loving you. There’s nothing.

I’ve been there. I’ve done it. You know, the problem with passionate people is they sometimes really get themselves in trouble. I am a passionate person, I’ve gotten in trouble. There’s a problem with prophetic people, with visionaries, with dreamers: sometimes they don’t see themselves accurately because they’re seeing under the future, they’re believing for something, there’s something… it’s really creative of God what’s at foundation to it, but it can take you astray, it can take you off track.

We need the authenticity of transparency. We need it. And as we go there, as we become that, as it leaves the literary images of theology and ideas and gets transferred into the foot on the ground living of life, God will be all the people.

I’m volunteering. I want to be part of that crowd. Amen. As Brandt was speaking a couple of texts came to my mind, just verses that remind us of what he was saying: John 8, for example, 8:32. You don’t need to read it, just hear, it says:

“….and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free”.

Then Galatians, chapter 6, it says: “… Brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one, in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Bare one another burdens and so fulfill the law of Christ for if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. But let each one examine its own work and then he will have rejoicing in himself alone and not in another.”

James 3:17 “But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, willing to yield, full of mercy and good fruit, without partiality and without hypocrisy”.

And finally James 5:16 “Confess your trespasses to one another and pray fro one another that you may be healed”.

All of these verses in one way or another hover around the words that have been shared with us tonight. It invites us to be a community of transparency, of openness, of humility, of self examination, not in an obsessive way, but in a confident grace filled sort of way, and also when we receive that kind of confession from someone, we must receive it in a spirit of humility, of grace because in order for people to be truthful there has to be grace, there has to be people aware of their own brokenness and who can open themselves up to receive the brokenness of others and empower them and validate them, and bless them and turn that confession into a healing process.

Father, thank you for these words. We receive them and we do pray to be able to be that community, to become that community of people who can be transparent to each other, open to each other, loving to each other and aware of our brokenness, Father, and grateful that we have you to lean on. You know us and yet you choose to love us. That’s a wonderful relief, Lord. Thank you, thank you, we glorify you. We worship you, Lord. Amen, amen.

An irresistible presence


We just quiver in response to the fact that you, the holy God ….., would invite us into union and communion with ….. Lord is a miracle that we are completely undeserving, we are completely unable to find anything ….. us, but for your blood, but for your grace, but for you coming and doing what you do when you transcend earth and heaven, space and time.

Lord it’s what we long for and what we are experiencing and we say, Lord, we are grateful. We say we are grateful. Lord, it’s your presence that we long for, that we earn for, it’s your glory that makes life bearable. Lord, it’s when you come and visit us and we experience you and you take and make alive all the deadness God, that otherwise is ruling, we see it ruling in the planet in so many ways. But God when we come into your presence we are just made alive. We just say, thank you Lord. Thank you, Lord. Thank you, Lord.

I’m going to invite you to be seated but I really want to stay really present with what God’s doing here, and do our best to be fully conscious and fully aware of what the Lord is wanting to get done.

Today I was looking at some of the scriptures that really pertain to the life of Saul in particular. You know, Saul is such a mixture of so many things that we see. We observe him and we see the bigger and the strength and the potential, I suppose, in so many ways, and that becomes what we fixate on during the early seasons of his life.

And then we see the tragedies that befall him, the weaknesses that are exposed in him and the character that remained undeveloped and the inability for him to really fulfill everything that I would guess looking at it, that God would have intended for him, that is that amazing, wonderful potential that is present in everybody, and realized in some measure and some degree and not realized in some other measures and degrees.

If you have your Bibles I will invite you to turn with me over to First Samuel, chapter 10 and you might leaf on over and just put your finger into chapter 19, because we’re going to visit that as well.

But looking at verse 1 of First Samuel 10 it says: “… Then Samuel took a flask of oil and he poured it on Saul’s head and he kissed him saying, has not the Lord anointed you leader over his inheritance? When you leave me today you’ll meet two men near Rachel’s tomb at Zelzah, on the border of Benjamin, and they will say to you, ‘the donkeys you set out to look for have been found and now your father has stopped thinking about them, and he is worried about you. He is asking, what shall I do about my son?’

And verse 3 it says, “…. Then you will go on from there until you reach the great tree of Tabor. Three men going up to God at Bethel will meet you there. One will be carrying three young goats, another three loaves of bread, another a skin of wine. And they will greet you and offer you two loaves of bread, which you will accept from them. And after, you will go to Gibeath of God where there is a Philistine outpost. As you approach the town you will meet a procession of prophets coming down from the high place with lyres and tambourines, flutes, harps being played before them and they will be prophesying the spirit of the Lord will come upon you in power and you will prophesize with them and you’ll be changed into a different person. Once these signs are fulfilled do whatever your hand finds to do for God is with you.

Go down ahead of me to Gilgal and I will surely come down to you to sacrifice burnt offerings and fellowship offerings, but you must wait seven days until I come to you and tell you what you are to do.

As Saul turned to leave Samuel, God changed Saul’s heart and all these signs were fulfilled that day. When they arrived at Gibeath a procession of prophets met him, the spirit of God came upon him in power. He joined in their prophesying. When all those who had formally known him saw him prophesying with the prophets, they asked each other, ‘what is this that has happened to the son of Kish? Is Saul also among the prophets?

A men who lived there answered, ‘and who is their father?’ So it became a saying, is Saul also among the prophets? After Saul stopped prophesying he went to the high place.

Now Saul’s uncle asked him and his servant, ‘where have you been?’. ‘Looking for the donkey’, he said, but when we saw they were not to be found we went to Samuel. Then Saul’s uncle said, ‘tell me what Samuel said to you’. Saul replied, ‘he assured us that the donkeys had been found’. But he did not tell his uncle what Samuel had said about the kingship.

Samuel summoned the people of Israel to the Lord at Mizpah and he said to them, ‘this is what the Lord, the God of Israel says, I brought Israel up out of Egypt and I delivered you from the power of Egypt and all the kingdoms that oppressed you, but you have now rejected your God who saves you out of all your calamities and distresses and you have said, ‘No, set a king over us’. So now present yourselves before the Lord by your tribes and clans’.

When Samuel brought all the tribes of Israel near, the tribe of Benjamin was chosen. Then he brought forward the tribe of Benjamin, clan by clan, and Matri’s clan was chosen. Finally Saul, the son of Kish was chosen but when they looked for him he was not to be found.

So they inquired further of the Lord, ‘Has the man come here yet?’ and the Lord said, ‘Yes, he has hidden himself among the baggage’. They ran and they brought him out and as he stood among the people he was a head taller than any of the others.

Samuel said to all the people, ‘Do you see the man the Lord has chosen? There is no one like him among all the people.’

Then the people shouted, ‘Long live the king’.

We’re going to go in a minute over to First Samuel chapter 19. We’re going to look at another piece of Saul’s life. But I wanted just bring our focus and our attention back to verses 5 and 6 and 7. The word that came to Saul as a young man, after he will go up to Gibeath of God where there is a Philistine outpost as you approach the town, you will meet a procession of prophets coming down from the high place, with lyres, tambourines, flutes, harps, being played before them and they will be prophesying and the spirit of the Lord will come upon you in power and you will prophesy with them. You will be changed into a different person.

What I want for us to really ask and examine is the fragility of our humanity, that which is a part and a parcel of our makeup. You know, all of us are like Saul, all of us have God potential. Each and every one of us, under the anointing of God can do great miraculous and mighty things. That’s what it says. “Once these things are fulfilled do whatever your hand finds to do, for God is with you.”

When you’re under the anointing of God and I’m going to say this rather in a broad, blanket statement. I’m not going to carvel nitches where you could say, you might see this and take exception with that, because I’m sure that you could make those kinds of cases if you look at all of these things and you try to examine them under a microscope. But the reality is, when God is at your back, when he is doing the pushing, and is not initiated out of the humanity and the self and the striving and the human desire, I mean, you can be bold, incredibly, incredibly bold.

And what I felt, pastor Roberto, when I was asking the Lord about what to share here, is to look at these scriptures and to talk about this place in the light of being among the company of those who prophesize.

Now, I am not trying to get uniquely divergent …………… some kind of passage that would lead to wild, charismatic and excesses in prophesy and prophesying and all of that. And I do want to say that because language is important and it can communicate a lot of different things to a lot of different people. I’m talking about the power of God to speak forth the word in boldness and authority. I’m talking about prophesying not in the sense of just mystically foretelling something futuristically, but in the sense, I believe, the true biblical sense, that which has the broad, sweep of all of scripture, that is when the power of God comes on people. This is the language they use, they prophesy.

And we are going to look in a moment at some of the different stages that took place in Saul’s life and how did Saul when he would come under that anointing, he would be transformed and he would be changed. But how that the reality is, it’s that what happens to you, and that’s what happens to me, and that we become different people when we are under the anointing of God. we really aren’t just the same.

Now, that’s not to try to speak of some kind of duplicity, but it is when we are amerced in his presence, when we sense his presence, when we are in and around his presence is transformative. It changes our very core nature. When, as we see, the jealousy that arose in Saul’s life took root and the fear that was kind of eluded to in the very early stages there, when he was about to be announced as king, he couldn’t be found. Why couldn’t he be found? Because he was hiding in the baggage. Why was he hiding in the baggage? Because something was …… in his thinking, because he didn’t believe that he belonged, he didn’t believe that there was, you can call it shyness, you could kind of divided and try to figure out exactly what was going on psychologically inside of him as a human being when he was faced with that. Haven’t you felt that? I felt it. You’ve experienced it, haven’t you. you’ve been in certain setting, you’ve been called in to some kind of place, you’ve had opportunities and you think, ‘I’m not ready for this’, ‘this can’t be for me’.

So, it’s not like we’re sitting here looking at Saul in some kind of judgmental sense and thinking of him, you know, what was the matter with him, you know. He had Samuel, he was under the anointing, he had all of these things that were going on. The reality it’s that’s a reflection of what happens inside of us as life goes on, because we become subject to different influences and depending on the influences that we are subject to we really become very different people.

Now, I’m not trying to scare you. I don’t know what happened at the end of Saul’s life. I don’t know why he went to the witch in Endor and ultimately chose to align himself adivination with advanation, feeling somehow that he had been alienated from the loving God who had given him so much privilege and so much opportunity. And I don’t know how God is going to judge all of that. I just don’t know. I’m not here to try to figure that out, nor am I trying to paint a picture in your mind of anything in particular about him or his journey. But I want for us to do is I want for us to begin to understand something about the core of this, is to understand something about creating an environment where the anointing is present, where the spirit of prophesy in the broad sense of the interpretation of that word is resident, and where when people come in to that place they become different people. That’s where I’m going with this.

But on my way I want to take you over to chapter 19. As we look at some of the more difficult things, beginning at verse 17, you have to just quickly do a little encapsulating of some of the background on this. Michal was Saul’s daughter and it was a pretty twisted relationship between Michal and Saul, the father. I don’t mean necessarily, sick sinful, in that way, but in the sense of very manipulative, very divisive, very positional, trying to figure out how to… Saul being very jealous of the fact that David was extremely successful in battle and receiving accolades from people, and try to figure out how to get his daughter hooked in and use that as a means of control. You know, you just see so much, I mean, this guy needed 20 years of work, you know, with the best of counseling to be able to try figure out all of the things that were going on inside of his heart and inside of his mind.

And Saul said to his daughter Michal, “Why do you deceive me –this is later on, she’s married to David at this point and he’s is trying to find a way of killing David and using Michal to be able to get close to actually assassinate him and so he’s saying to his daughter Michal- he says: “Why do you deceive me like this? and send my enemy -who’s David- away so he escaped. And Michal told him –her father- she said, “he –meaning David- said to me ‘Let me get away. Why should I kill you?

And when David had fled and made his escape he went to Samuel at Ramah and he told him all that Saul had done to him. Then, he and Samuel went to Naioth and stayed there.

Word came to Saul David is in Naioth and at Ramah so he sent men to capture him, but when they saw a group of prophets prophesying with Samuel standing there as their leader, the spirit of God came upon Saul’s men and they also prophesied.

Now, understand this, Saul has sent his men out to capture and to kill David. They come and they meet Samuel and they run into him and the group of people that are around him that are prophesying, and instead of being assassins they start prophesying, they come under the anointing of God’s spirit. And it just shakes things up.

Then Saul was told about it and he sent more men and they, it says, prophesied too. This is verse 21, chapter 19 “… Saul sent men a third time and also prophesied.”

Now, I don’t know about you, but that would tend to get somebody’s attention you would think. You know, you’re sending your men, your army, your stealth raiders, your commandos, your delta force, you’re sending them to go and kill who he perceived to be the enemy. And, every time they get close they run into this spirit of prophesy. They meet up with something that transforms and changes them.

And so, what does it say in verse 22? “Finally, Saul, he himself, left for Ramah and he went to the great cistern at Secu and he said, ‘Where are Samuel and David? Over in Naioth at Ramah’, they said. So Saul went to Naioth at Ramah, but the spirit of God came even upon him and he walked along prophesying until he came to Naioth.

Then he stripped off his robes and also prophesied in Samuel’s presence. He lay that way all that day and night. This is why they say, ‘Is Saul also among the prophets?’

It’s sounds like a bizarre story and it is. It is. But I’m going to offer to you my belief in the hope that that kind of anointing is possible. That kind of presence is irresistible. I do not believe that this is just a biblical fiction, or pipe dream or something that might have happened hundreds of years ago that you know, you could look back in a historical sense, and say, well, you know, they were superstitious our whatever.

I’m here to tell you that in simple faith, in a quietness of spirit, I believe in a God who can do that in lives. I believe that that evident presence and power of God is so great that when mankind meets and encounters that kind of presence and power, there is no standing in the way.

Remember the guy who was sent to prophesy against Israel and he was riding the donkey and he couldn’t… he got up to prophesy every time against you know, Israel, and he couldn’t do it.

We are living in a culture and we are living in a time that is going to take that kind of evidence of God’s presence and power to transform. I don’t mean this in a critical way, in a critical sense. I really don’t. But all of the good psychological, analytical preaching and teaching can’t really affect this culture. We can’t use the tools of this culture. It doesn’t mean that we try to be irrelevant and that we are aware and they’re not speaking the language of the people who live in this culture in this time. I’m talking about that, but what I am saying, and I’m saying as firmly as I know how to say it, the tools and devices that the world uses to effect change in the culture, they are not going to work for us in the kingdom. They’re not going to work. They’re not wrong, and there are wonderful churches that do so many things that are really so right and no criticism of any church ever, anywhere or any person who’s doing the best that they know how to do to accomplish things. We’re all doing that. We’re all doing it. We’re doing it every day, but is going to take something outside of the realm of rationality to be able to see the transformation happen in lives, in this day and time.

So, when we look at this I want us to ask some questions. You know, there’s a lot of example in the Bible, we could look at it, we could draw from it, and those examples in the Bible are there for the feeding of our souls, and they’re there to remind us and they’re there to speak to us. We can talk about Peter being in prison and the church being all in a panic of the fact of the despairing for what’s going to happen to him and angel comes and releases him.

We can look at Paul and Silas , ….. 16 and there in stocks. And you know, our natural mind wants to try to figure all of this out and say, yes, there was an earthquake that took place, and we look at it on a natural level and we say, yeah, they sang out and said, no, no, don’t worry we’re all here and along comes the tailor and he gets saved.

But there is something absolutely divine about the timing of being in tune with the spirit of God to be singing and to be worshiping at midnight and so they are in tune with the time that God’s going to send the earthquake and they are in place for the miracle to happen. They’re at that moment when God’s ready to step through and reveal himself and they aren’t shocked by it.

We could look and we could talk about many, many different things, but one of the points that I want to make is that we look at the condition of people and about the condition of their souls and we think, how on earth are they going to be reached? How on earth are the ungodly going to find God? How are they going to come to faith and come alive?

Well, this I want to say: when the presence and the power of God is there, just get them there. Just get them there. There are two things to happen, there needs to be a people, there needs to be a people that will lift their hearts with a purpose that they are going to preserve, cooperate with, yield to, move with the spirit of God, so that there is something of his power that is fertile. The analogy that is there is ……… about the keeping of the holy fire, the holy flame is very applicable. It’s not just something that’s distant, something that’s out there, that’s thousands of years old and that we don’t have any paradigm for today. We have a paradigm for it today. It’s a community of people. It’s a community of people that will be alive with God. It’s a community of people that will keep the presence and the power of God available, available, and that when people touch Jesus, when they walked up alongside of him, he sends the power had gone out of them, the virtue had gone out of him

God is looking for a people that as a community will determine that not in singularity, but in the sense of community, that we will keep the presence and the power of God, we’ll cooperate with the spirit of God so he can do it. Because he’s going to do it. He’s looked through history, he’s always ready.

Now, we can argue some theology here if you want, and some of you can correct me, I’m sure. But, my belief is that God is always ready and that he is waiting for us. He takes initiative. He always takes initiative in people’s lives, but it’s uniquely when there is this apex of time and people when they come together, when they are ready, when they collectively say yes to the living God. When that happens all kinds of things take place, all kinds of things take place.

I for the last many years, I’ve been doing a lot of video production work and one of the things that I was doing this past year was over at Yale and capturing some of the speakers and some other things and George……… Junior was there and he was sharing about the things that he has observed, he personally has watched and observed, and we need to pray for Fiji because of the things that are going on there in the Fijian Islands right now and I’m not quite sure exactly what all is happening. I know there is tumult and there overthrow and a general has risen up and etc. and we do need to be in prayer about that.

But he talked about how on planet earth today there is no place that he is aware of, and he does this as a discipline to study. There is no place on planet earth today that has been like it over the last 5 years where the whole region has gone from horrible, horrific poverty to abundance and blessing, that it’s not just been that people have been able to work together and get jobs and …….. the economy, and that, but it literally it has been the presence of the power of God over the area.

Coral reefs that have been dead, dead, unproductive, not producing fish, not producing life, have come to life. Ground that has not produced food when planted in, and not just through technical means of agrarian information that we might gather through our scientific mind, but supernaturally come alive to produce abundance, abundance in cooperation with a society that has moved in mass in response to God, coming to God.

And people, what I am just sharing here is that God is looking for that, there has been prophetic words that have gone on about Boston and about the region and humanly, I don’t know about you, but I have lived here long enough to feel pain in my soul at times at hearing those words.

But God is looking for a place and he’s looking for a people. I’m not going to return to the scripture and read more of it. It’s there to be read in chapter 19.

There are people walking up and down these streets, at some place, at some time it could be here. They are going to come in, in their drunken stoopers, in their drug induced, comatose shuffles and be transformed by the power of God, the presence of God. The presence of God and the power of God does that. The anointing of God does that.

Charlotte, I kind of like you to share a little bit about some of the things that you saw when you were a child in your church. This is my wife Charlotte, my daughter Bony. Would you mind if she just came and shared a little bit? Charlotte’s father was a preacher for many years and she grew up in an environment where….. she’ll tell you.

I’ll just be brief but I really saw as a child a God moving in some unmistakable ways that were just so awesome that I could never, never doubt his power. And for a period of about while we lived first of all in a smaller Canadian city, which was about an hour and half east of ……. A city of thirty thousand and our church at the time was about 800 people and all our kids were born there.

We lived there 13 years, but there wasn’t a Sunday that I can even recall as a child about what families for not coming to the Lord an we just seemed to live in a constant state of renewal and revival, just incredibly so and we would have, you know, back in those days, in the fifties, had ten meetings and in the summer we’d be out in this big tent and I would see literally see, blind eyes opened, of people that we knew were blind. It wasn’t just somebody’s hype or somebody’s you know, try manipulating something. These were people who lived in our community.

And I just really could never doubt the power of God. And then when we moved to Terano, it’s a city about ten million people, it was just a mixture of people. People from all over the world, and young and old, and rich and poor, sitting side by side and it was just amazing, but we would see often street people coming in and being transformed by the power of God.

And during those years in the late sixties of course the Jesus movement began and we would have literally, rows and rows and rows of you know, young people with long hair and stinky bodies and all the rest, and they were coming to Jesus, they were coming to Jesus.

And often at time in the Sunday night service, up in the balcony would be many, many rows of young priests, Catholic, Roman Catholic priests in training for the priesthood, but they were hungry for the Holy Spirit. They were hungry for the gifts of the Holy Spirit and we saw many of them come into glorious infilling of the Holy Spirit.

God can do so very, very much. We, Brand and I, stand here as miracles tonight. We are just a regular people, we’re very ordinary people. We can tell you how God restored our marriage too. We were separated for five years, which is a long story which I certainly can’t get into tonight, but God has restored us and brought us back literally from a wasteland, an incredible wasteland. God can do anything. He really can. His power is great. His faithfulness is incredible and we just stand here tonight as miracles of that and it’s so great to be with you and to encourage you and to give you hope to keep pressing in that God really can do the impossible.

Just very simply, I want us to ask God if he would help us to really say yes, to really become a community of people available, available.

Father, please just stand. Father, Father, we want to just yield Lord to you. Father, we want to just yield to you right now. Lord, we are just really mere images of the things that we see in Saul’s life, but God we’re reminded that there are choices that are involved, there are choices, Lord that we have on the level, on the degree, on the measure that we are going to be able to say yes to you. God would you, would you just roll back the veil a little bit this night, would you just send your spirit to light upon this place. Would you give us the ability to welcome your angels to be our guides? We know that they’re there in the protective sense, we fear eyes about a lot of things concerning the work that their assignments have in regard to interfacing with us. We don’t understand it well, Lord, but we don’t even want to pretend that we have knowledge of that which is so mysterious, but we ask, Lord, would you just, just take your hand and brush back the veil.

Lord, we’re reminded of Paul’s words about the heavens were his …… how it’s a picture that is given to us of this impenetrable membrane between earth and heaven, this hard and fast, we’re here, you’re there kind of concept, but Lord, I just ask would you just thin out the membrane between earth and heaven.

Lord, just even like that translucent state so that we could lift our eyes and we could really see your glory, not just wishfully hopefully, God, not just in the sense of singing about it, God, not just in the sense of …… and yearning to be there, but Lord in a sense where you transform our realities, our preceptors become different.

Lord, we are reminded of Saul, determined in his heart that he’s going to go and kill somebody, and he walks into that environment and he can’t do it. He’s different. Lord, you and I, you and us, Lord, we have this one thing in common, we want to be at the intersection together where God and men meet. We want to get there in our lifetime, we want to say, like Job, that we would beheld your glory with our eyes, that we have seen something that is utterly transformative, Lord, because we have been where you intersect with humanity.

Father, we don’t want to just be spiritualizing, we don’t’ want to just be saying words, we don’t want to be guilty, Lord, of pretence. But we are asking Lord, would you come now, would you bring us up, would you do whatever it takes, Lord, to cause the coming together of you, the holy God, we, the fragile people.

Holy Spirit, we tell you we don’t know how to do this, we don’t know how to do it. We don’t know the mechanics. But Lord, you’ve said to us that it’s really about being led by your spirit, those who are led by your spirit will be called the sons of God and we ask Lord, that you would lead us.

Father, this place, this group of people, this night, wrap us Lord in your presence. Lord, we can’t make ourselves different, some of us have been in and out of groups and in and out of therapy, and in and out of this thing and that thing, Lord, it’s you that changes and transforms.

Come, come, Lord. Come.

Holy Spirit of God, we need you now We need you, Lord

You know, in order for that kind of anointing to take place, we need to take risks, there’s a part that we need to do. We declare certain things, we declare that we believe the word of God and then we need to open spaces for that to happen and we need to take risks in terms of places ourselves in the place where the Holy Spirit can use us for that to happen.

I think tonight before we leave here, as a congregation that is seeking to be a space where God can do his work and move among us, I’d like to us any one and please do not feel at all pressured individually to do this, only if you feel that you’re comfortable with that and that God is speaking to you particularly, to come forward and I have some anointing oil here and I’d like Brand to come forward and myself and we’re just going to anoint to those who are seeking that greater flow of the spirit in their lives. I know I want that spirit to flow in my life.

And you know, it begins like that, the Holy Spirit wants to do things in us but we have to take a step. God doesn’t do everything, because if he does everything then, we’re just parasites, we don’t develop the gifts, we don’t develop the skills, we don’t develop the attitude, so it requires that the people of God who are hungry for God take steps of faith, and as we take steps of faith then God moves. That’s the pattern of scripture time and time again. We grasp on the word of God, we take a risk, we act upon it and then let him be responsible. It’s not us, I’m nobody. The oil is nothing either, these are just symbols that we activate through our faith.

So, if you want to come forward tonight in a very simple way. I just like to anoint you and pray the spirit of God in your life, the flow of the gifts of the spirit in your life. That’s what we want. We want an anointed community, an anointed community, that’s what God wants to raise in this city: an anointed body of men and women who are living the word of God, living yoked together in love and in sincerity, allowing the Holy Spirit to raise that community and make that community of power and of authenticity, where people who come from the outside and say, guau! There’s something different in this community, there’s something that I’m not used to seeing in the outside. God must be there and I want that for my life.

And if you have the faith it can happen in your life tonight. You know, this is not about any spectacular thing, I mean, it’s by faith. As we declare the anointing of the Holy Spirit in your life, the gifts of the spirit, I want you to inside of you say, ‘yes, Lord, I receive your anointing’. It’s not because of the man who’s anointing me or praying for me. It’s because you are acting through your word and I, in faith, activate that word within myself.

And I believe that tonight as I say yes to your spirit, I will receive something different and will walk out of this place with something different. And then, I’m going to begin to walk in faith as if I had received that. I will pray for the sick. I will go to bed believing that tonight you’re going to give me a dream or revelation. I will believe that you will give opportunities in my job to speak about Christ with authority and that I would bring people to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I believe that you will heal. I believe that you will make me an instrument of your prophetic word. All these things, these are the gifts of the spirit. They can begin to flow through your life as you act in faith and as we pray for the anointing of the Holy Spirit in your life.

I want you to interact with us as we in obedience ask for the anointing of the Holy Spirit on your life and believe that God will do it in his way, in his ways, not man’s way, but in his way. God will do it tonight. Let’s say amen to that.